我用photoshop cs2和adobe reader7.0,都碰到这个问题。“在必需的应用程序库中检测到错误,产品无法继续。”在网上搜了很多都没有解决方法,不是让重装软件,就是让重装系统。 我搜了一下英文的。人家网站上写的很清楚,现在转上来。 Error "...error has been detected with a required application library..." when you start (Photoshop CS, InCopy CS2, Adobe Creative Suite 2.0 applications) Ratings:0 Issue When you start an Adobe application for the first time, it returns the following error, "An Error has been detected with a required application library and the product cannot continue. Please reinstall the application." Detail The problem may occur in the following applications: Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional or Standard, Adobe GoLive CS2, Adobe InCopy CS2, Adobe InDesign CS2, Adobe Illustrator CS2, and Adobe Photoshop CS-CS2. [...]